From windsurfing to table tennis!
Connection between windsurfing and table tennis
– Table is the sea
– Opponent the waves
– Board the moving space behind the table
– Sail is your blade
– Fins are your rubbers
For windsurfing you need wind and waves meaning limited satisfaction
In table tennis you are guaranteed 100% satisfaction
Dropping down windsurfing for table tennis due to satisfaction reasons was the obvious choice and it’s my choice, cause anything is possible and each point counts no matter the result!
The idea started back in 2018 when Thomas Kousioris a.k.a. KOUS because of business priorities decided to drop from the sport of windsurfing. This was a hard call cause as far as outdoor sports are concerned there is no other sport in the world that can be compared with extreme windsurfing. The idea basically for KOUS was to find an indoor sport so that he would not have to search for wind and waves anymore. Back in the past he used to play table tennis so he said, lets have a quick look to see how the sport has evolved over the years. He was lucky enough to get in touch with legend Ntaniel Tsiokas in his first proper steps of this awesome sport back in 2018. Due to the fact that the group of companies he represents are taking part ever since in the National Company Sport Games, he slowly started playing table tennis once a week. Since 2021 he started training more and participating in club tournaments aiming to become a good veteran table tennis player. During 2021 in the World Company Sport Games as part of the Trucker Team he ended up with his teammates in 2nd place! Check this team @